Staying on the Road

I am the LORD your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go. Isaiah 48:17

I trust in the Lord with all my heart and lean not on my own understanding. In all my ways I acknowledge Him and He directs my paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

God will show me the path of life. Psalm 16:11

     In our ‘Christian Walk’ it’s important we ‘Stay on Track’.

     How do you stay on track if you don’t know what road you should be on or where it should lead?

     If you’re going on a vacation, you need to know the best route to take in order to get to that destination. But FIRST you need to ‘know your destination’, or at least a general idea.

     There will most likely be many destinations in your lifetime, your final one being Heaven. So where is God leading you now? You can get an idea by determining what your gifts are and how God can potentially use you to grow His Kingdom. For example, if you have the gift of teaching, He will most likely lead you towards a ministry of teaching such as Bible Study or Sunday School Class.

     Then you need to determine what is in your way of reaching that destination, what are your ‘road blocks’? Are there addictions or habits that you need to give up before you can move towards that destination? Other road blocks may be fear, negativity, doubt, and worry.

     When we decide what we want to be when we grow up, we don’t just go do it. We need training, schooling, or some type of life transformation before we are able to do that career or job. And if we keep getting ‘side tracked’ we’ll never become what we want to be. That’s how it is with your hurts, habits, and hang-ups. If you keep focused on THEM instead of your destination, you won’t stay on track and won’t make it far. In fact, you will probably be headed right back to your old ‘stompin grounds’.

     You also need do determine what to take with you on your journey. I’ve had things in my life that I’ve questioned whether God approves. Tip: If you question, He probably doesn’t approve! Some things may be ok for some of us but not others. For example, I like a glass of wine of an evening. While that can be ok for some, it can lead to being ‘sidetracked’ for others. Some people find it healthy, others don’t. Last year I gave it up for Lent. I felt better and there is no chance of drinking too much if I don’t drink ANY. I realized that was something I didn’t need to take with me on my journey. It was something that got me sidetracked.

     God wants you to give up everything that comes between you and Him. Keep your eyes on the road, stay focused on Him and you won’t be taking ‘side trips’ or worse, ‘driving in the ditches’ that waste time, cause a lot of bumps, and get you lost.

     Have patience in knowing that it does take time to get somewhere so don’t get discouraged. It took you a lifetime to get to where you are now, therefore, it will take awhile to get to your destinations God has for you. You may take a short ‘pit stop’ but don’t hang out there and make it your home. Get back in the car and down the road. Keep praying, reading your Bible, and focusing on the beautiful scenery that God is taking you through on your journey and give Him praise for every mile and give Him thanks for every guardrail, and every speedbump that helps you ‘stay on the road’.
~Joanie Lawrence-Cain